2017 Post-A-Day, Day 22:
from some way out Ditko, not much here to excite you
Managing Editor – George
August 1972
Haunted title ran from 1971 through 1984, surviving for 75 issues even through
the slump of the horror comics genre in the early 1980’s. It made it right up
until the Charlton Publishing company’s money ran out and their presses fell
apart. Most of this book’s contents were reprints, and if this issue is any
indication, they weren’t top of the line stories.
the book does have some post Spider-Man & Doctor Strange work from Steve
Ditko, and the chance to see him do a horror story is kind of a perverse thrill.
Ditko really gives it his all here. That cover is his too, which is kind of a
perverse thrill because the story is about a spider-ma…ya know? I probably
shouldn’t spoil it just yet.
in I’m going to throw out best info I could find on these tales. Charlton and
older DC books were not known to be the best at giving writers or artists
credit on their work.
dive in, shall we?
“Don’t Get Involved”
Writer – Joe Gill
Pencils – Pete Morisi
Inks – Pete Morisi
Letters – Pete Morisi
begin with a tale of Deserved retribution. The sin is given away on the splash
page, that being the breaking of the Golden Rule by turning your back on a
fellow person in trouble.
the white ghost at the top. That is you guide through these tales, a fella by
the name of “Impy.” Impy lasted as host until issue 20, after which the duties
of guide passed to Baron Weirwulf. Weirwulf had just vacated Charlton’s Ghost
Manor. The title was also changed then to Baron Weirwulf’s Haunted Library,
which makes a bit of sense as the only ghost to do any haunting in these four
tales is Impy.
to start our actual story off! Meet William Rink, an all around shitty person.
He starts up our tale with this cowardly act of failing to render aid…
quickly follows it by being a snitchy little tattle-tail at work. Writer Gill
(if this really is him) wastes no time in getting us to hate Rink, which is
good in a short story form where it is better to evoke emotions quickly so you
can move on to playing upon them.
to make sure he’s put that last straw on the camel, we get one final dickish
act by Rink before we begin his comeuppance.
leaves the guy to his fate and heads home, where gets into his yellow jammies
and he smokes a cigarette (how odd that is to see in a book). I can see why he
doesn’t have a woman. Just look at those PJ’s.
Rink closes his eyes, he hears a sound like someone trying to get in his
window. Terrified, he tries to phone the cops, but…
phone line doesn’t work, because Rink is too scared to remember how to DIAL
911. So he seeks help from a neighbor…
gets the typical response in the big city. The lesson here is that had Rink
made friends with anyone or worn a non-threatening color of pajamas he might
have been able to call on these friends in his time of need. Being a reclusive
shut-in is no way to live your life. (Point taken. Make a note: I should
probably talk to the next door neighbors instead of just grunting at them when
we leave for work in the morning).
That leaves Rink running through the streets like a madman, with some invisible person supposedly stalking him. He encounters a man and begs his help only to be rebuffed…just like he rejected the man’s plea for assistance earlier.
That leaves Rink running through the streets like a madman, with some invisible person supposedly stalking him. He encounters a man and begs his help only to be rebuffed…just like he rejected the man’s plea for assistance earlier.
he darts out in front of a garbage truck not paying attention to where he is
going and gets run over. I find it hard to believe the driver couldn’t see him
in is yellow safety vest of a sleeping ensemble, but I’m not going to argue it.
Unfortunately, Rink dies of this fatal mishap…sort of...
what really happened was he had a heart attack while in the throes of a dream,
a nightmare where all this was happening.
It’s okay I suppose. The ending twist was passing, however something about the
Rink character doesn’t work for me. I like my characters to exhibit at least a
tiny bit of remorse somewhere, so I can root for them to rehabilitate
themselves before it is too late. Instead we get an amoral self-centered
monster. Nothing much there to root for.
“The Endless War!”
Writer – Pat Boyette
Pencils – Pat Boyette
Inks – Pat Boyette
Letters – Pat Boyette
that’s it. Uh…how is this scary again? I feel like this was a fill in piece
from a war comic that never got published. War can be a great backdrop for
horror tales and one-page stories do have merit if they are put together well.
fails on both counts, being neither relevant nor anything other than a
rumination of what air combat was like in WWI. Not sure why it is here...
“Stop the Clock!”
Writer – Joe Gill
Pencils – Steve Ditko
Inks – Steve Ditko
Letters – Charlotte
this is more like it. Ditko cemented himself as the avant garde of the
supernaturally strange with is trippy Doctor Strange comic books at Marvel, so
I expect great things from this story.
do I get them, too. The art is near perfect, elevating a tale with a foregone
scare into something that has a few genuine chills in it, all to Ditko’s credit.
We begin with this couple who are left stranded on a road in the middle of a
horrendous, lightning lit night. When suddenly …there’s a light…over at the
Frankenstein Place…
that may have been Rocky Horror and not this comic.)
house run by that gruesome fellow at the bottom, who is a bit overly concerned
with his appearance. And perhaps the home of this ginger gent by the name of
Howard Royal Clark as well…
can see the wispy like smoke effects in the way Ditko did the branches on that
tree. And take a gander at the body language and facial characteristics that
reveal this story is by Spider-Man’s creator.
Howard seems the exact opposite the type of guy than the aged, balding weirdo
that hovered so menacingly near the window in the bottom panels of that first
scene. He’s jovial, handsome and full of life. So full of life he’s almost
he’s rustling goodies up in the kitchen, the couple notice some very odd
things. The newspapers, magazines, and even the radio programs are over
thirty-five years old. Not to mention that the fact that Howard’s picture is in
one of those papers, and it doesn’t appear that he’s aged a single DAY!
of all, when his favorite scary radio show comes on, Howard trips the lights
out. And suddenly a puzzle piece falls into place for us, the audience.
in the dark, Howard looks like the weird creep-o from the window, suddenly aged
past his normal years. The fact that our now frightened couple can’t see him,
coupled with the fact that he appears to be saying the ghost stories on the
radio are real-life tales, means they might be in grave danger!
is so freaked out that Don forces Howard/undead creep to turn the lights back
on. It’s then that we learn the reason Howard has drawn the couple there. That
dead fiancĂ© looks VERY familiar. Don storms out of the room to get some answers…
to come face-to-face with the ghoulish spirit. Moments later, Howard comes back
into the room talking crazy talk, about how Eileen became engaged to him
thirty-five years ago. In her frantic haste to get away from him…
Luckily Don is still a live and arrives to throw some light on the matter. And
in the harsh light of truth the creep crumples to the floor.
he was dead before they arrived…which means the man they saw was a GHOST! (Maybe.
We can’t be for certain.)
so first the bad: This story really doesn’t know what it is doing. The plot is
all over the place and the characters actions and motivations don’t really
jive. What redeems it, at least for me, are the Ditko visuals. The look and
feel of classic Ditko is so refreshing in everything from the way he did faces
to the angles and proportions of his character models makes me smile in spite
of the dumb plotting errors. That splash page is amazing, as are the shots of
Howard dancing and his ending swan dive.
not a good story, but worth a read for the visuals. On to our last tale…
“Along came a Spider and…”
Writer – Joe Gill
Pencils – Steve Ditko
Inks – Steve Ditko
is a second Ditko tale (huzzah!), but even though the sources I have state he
is on inking chores, I think the embellishments were done by someone else.
There are a lot of hallmark Ditko poses and edges that are smoothed over. It just
doesn’t have the look of something he inked.
for me that means the art comes off a bit bland. Gone are the exciting unique
bits that make reading Ditko on Ditko such a treat. Let’s see if the story
makes up for that.
begin with this bell-bottomed vagrant hippy named Tyler Rand who swings into
Samantha Shields life looking for a place to crash…and someone to freeload off
of. That line about getting a job…because jobs are such a drag, man.
while the art doesn’t have that “fun” vibe of the last story, the dialect and
voice of the characters works overtime to give the piece some weight. It looks
like the hippy freeloader has secured himself a cool place to hang out and a
landlady that won’t bring him down…
might not be too cool is her penchants for not getting rid of a arachnid that’s
made a cozy home in the room’s corner though. Tyler thinks he’s got a shot with
Ms. Shields, so he accepts his new roommate. On a temporary basis, that is.
Seems he has plans for Ms. Shield’s “bread.”
to do so, Tyler has to find some funding to last a few weeks. And that means
purse-snatching, of course.
spider seems overly interested in Tyler.
does Samantha after Tyler cleans up his appearances and starts dressing in her
husband’s old clothes. All this wooing might actually work out for the lout.
was too good to last, as the spider (named Hedly) finally decides AGAINST
letting Tyler marry Samantha. The next morning finds her searching for a new
now with TWO SPIDERS in her room. Making this actually a tale of a Spider-Man?
Well, it wouldn’t be Ditko’s first one of those, would it?
story in this last outing than in any of the priors, nice twist and comeuppance
at the end. I just wish the art had the weird, macabre allure of Ditko’s first
story. That art just really sends me, dig?
all, this issue of Haunted is more miss than hit. If you are a Ditko
completionist, it is a must buy. Aside from one good story (out of four) and
the art on another, there isn’t much to go gaga over here. It is one Ditko
spider tale that won’t pull you into its web.
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